医療機器学 9(4), 2021 特集:医療機器分野への数値シミュレーションの応用と関連するレギュラトリーサイエンス
- 佐久間 一郎:特集のねらい
- 鎮西 清行:数値シミュレーションの医療機器開発への応用に関するPMDA科学委員会報告書の概要と展望
- 山田 貴博:米国機械学会医療機器向けシミュレーション規格V&V 40の考え方
- 大島 まり:数値シミュレーションにおける不確かさの定量化の基本的な考え方
- 菅野 伸彦:数値計算の運動器医学への応用の現状と将来展望
- 庄島 正明:数値計算の医学への応用の現状と将来展望:脳血管疾患のCFD解析
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Credibility assessment of patient-specific computational modeling using patient-specific cardiac modeling as an exemplar
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36215228/
- This is the first paper on the topic of reliability of patient-specific models and will help pave the way to reliable and trusted patient-specific modeling across healthcare applications.
- Patient-specific model (PSM) の構成要素の全てが Personalize されるわけではない.
- UQ (uncertainty quantification) には,personalized parameters と non-personalized parameters とがある.-> UQ paradigms の5つの例を挙げている.
- While there are a wide range of possible contextsof uses for PSMs, most PSMs developed in thecardiac EP literature fall into one of the following two categories, which, as we shall see, it will becritical to distinguish between:
- PSMs as a clinical tool (PSM-CT). Here, the goal is to develop a clinical tool involving a PSM workflow, that can be applied to any new patient in the patient population using their ownclinical data. Examples include PSMs for guiding cardiac ablation [13,14], risk stratification[15,16], cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) lead placement [17] and non-invasivemapping [18].
- A simulation study using a virtual cohort of PSMs (PSM-VC). Here, the goal is to investigate a question of interest about, for example, cardiac function or a drug/device, using a virtual cohortof PSMs that has been generated from data from several real patients. Examples includeinvestigating ventricular fibrillation (VF) mechanisms [19], CRT efficacy [20], implantablecardioverter defibrillator efficacy [21], or to understand mechanisms related to CRT safety [22]
Quantifying the impact of shape uncertainty on predicted arrhythmias
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36634600/
- 左房モデルでの心房細動シミュレーションにおける uncertaintyの検証.
- 形状モデルの uncertainty はマクロリエントリに,線維化領域の uncertainty は機能的リエントリに影響を与える.
Advancing Regulatory Science With Computational Modeling for Medical Devices at the FDA’s Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2018.00241/full
- Morrison ら
- This article introduces the role of computational modeling for medical devices, describes OSEL’s ongoing research, and overviews how evidence from computational modeling (i.e., digital evidence) has been used in regulatory submissions by industry to CDRH in recent years. It concludes by discussing the potential future role for computational modeling and digital evidence in medical devices.
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